Welcome to DISTING [1], a tool for generating alternative structurally identifiable linear compartmental (LC) models* that are input-output indistinguishable from a postulated LC model [2,3].
App Usage
The site is centered around a job queue showing job status and results. Users can create, rerun or check job status in the queue.
User Entry of Model to be Tested (Model 0): This is done on the add job page simply by checking boxes where entries exist in one matrix and 2 vectors. The first is the adjacency (connection) matrix A of graph theory, where entry ai,j is checked to indicate a link to compartment i from compartment j; and ai,i is checked to indicate elimination (a leak) from compartment i. Vectors R and M get checked entries to specify the input and output locations in the LC model.
Graphical results show the original Model 0 and the structurally identifiable Models 1, 2, …, all downloadable in png format using Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. The models can be interactively rearranged by left-clicking and dragging on a node.
Jobs start in pending status, move to running (one at a time) and finally to complete If an error occurs, the status changes to error. Job processing time depends on the number of simultaneous server job requests.
* LC models can be expressed by a set of first-order differential equations in vector-matrix form: dx/dt = Kx + Bu with outputs: y = Cx. Here x are state variables (quantities or concentrations). The compartment matrix K consists of rate constants between compartments (off-diagonal); and of the negative of the sum of rate constants from each compartment, including leaks to the environment (on-diagonal). The input vector B contains input gains, while the output vector C contains measurement gains. DISTING requires only the connectivity of LC models to run, expressed in the equivalent model graph theory representation A, R, M.
- Davidson, N.R., Godfrey, K.R., Alquaddoomi, F., Nola, D. and DiStefano III, J.J., 2017. DISTING: A web application for fast algorithmic computation of alternative indistinguishable linear compartmental models. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 143, pp.129-135.
- M.J. Chapman and K.R. Godfrey (1989): A methodology for compartmental model indistinguishability, Math Biosci, 96, pp. 141-164
- L-Q. Zhang, J.C. Collins and P.H. King (1991): Indistinguishability and identifiability analysis of linear compartmental models, Math Biosci, 103, pp.77-95